During the journey of Jeff Mustard’s writing and production of the George Floyd Tribute song, “Enough,” and his subsequent involvement with the Jones Family, as the Equal Justice Studio’s project progressed in pursuit of a Corey Jones Proclamation Day by the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Writer/Producer, Jeff Mustard engaged Corey’s family members to participate in interviews about the 31-year-old drummer’s life. The result of these interviews with family and friends is a mini-documentary titled “Keeping the Beat Alive,” a phrase attributed to Clinton Jones, Sr. in his hopes of keeping the memory and spirit of his son, Corey, alive.
Corey Jones Documentary
Teaser Promo 1 / Title: “A Corey Jones Short Film” by Jeff Mustard – Teaser #1 – :30
Teaser Promo 2 / Title: “A Corey Jones Short Film” by Jeff Mustard – Teaser #2 – 1:04
Teaser Promo 3 / Title: “A Corey Jones Short Film” by Jeff Mustard – Teaser #1 – :90
Here are selected excerpts from the mini-documentary. These clips were chosen due to the impact of the sentiments expressed in the sound-byte – whether it was discussing Corey, as a son, brother, friend, or as a community activist, or the pursuit of his passion as a drummer. Other clips reference the dramatic, frenetic times the country is experiencing since the death of Corey and how little the country has changed concerning race relations and racial injustice and inequalities since Corey’s death in 2015.